The "Highland Operation" is an intense and thrilling short play that tells the story of a group of brave soldiers who, in the harsh conditions of war, undertake a series of heart-stopping operations to defend their country and people. In this drama, the soldiers not only face the fierce attacks of the enemy but also have to overcome the harsh weather and terrain. With their firm belief, unity and cooperation, and intelligence and bravery, they successfully complete difficult tasks time and time again. The short play conveys positive energy by showing the soldiers' heroic deeds on the battlefield, inspiring the audience to cherish peace and bravely face the difficulties and challenges in life.1919.AfterfightinginWWIasasniperTravis,nowaPolicemaninthevastemptyspacesofnorthernAustralia,losescontrolofanoperationthatresultsinthemassacreofanIndigenoustribe.AfterhissuperiorsinsistonburyingthetruthTravisleavesindisgust,onlytobeforcedbacktwelveyearslatertohuntdownBaywara,anAboriginalwarriorwhoseattacksonnew-settlersarecausinghavoc.WhenTravisrecruitsmission-raisedGutjuk,theonlyknownmassacre-survivorashisTracker,thetruthofthepastisrevealedandTravisbecomesthehunted.详情
西尔维斯特·史泰龙,斯科特·伊斯特伍德,薇拉·菲茨杰拉德,麦克·柯尔特,D·W·莫菲特,Anton Narinskiy,伊斯·巴尔韦德,Joel Cohen,La Monde Byrd,Patrick Millin,莱斯利·艾米特,Bret Aaron Knower,Beau Bommarito,Kevin W. Shiveley,John W. Harden,John E. Brownlee,Derek Polen