In just 100-200 words, here is an original synopsis for the short drama adaptation of "Wolf Warrior 2":
"Wolf Warrior 2" is a Chinese film blending action, adventure, and patriotism. Directed by and starring Wu Jing as the special forces soldier Leng Feng, the story unfolds as he and his comrades uncover an international conspiracy while on a mission in Africa. With its thrilling combat scenes, impressive special effects, and profound themes, the film has won the hearts of audiences. Leng Feng and his team face numerous challenges, showcasing the bravery of Chinese soldiers and conveying values of peace and justice. This production not only set box office records in China but also gained international acclaim.由于一怒杀害了强拆牺牲战友房子的恶霸,屡立功勋的冷锋(吴京饰)受到军事法庭的判决。在押期间,亲密爱人龙小云壮烈牺牲。出狱后,冷锋辗转来到非洲,他辗转各地,只为寻找杀害小云的凶手。在此期间,冷锋逗留的国家发生叛乱,叛徒红巾军大开杀戒,血流成河。中国派出海军执行撤侨任务,期间冷锋得知有一位陈博士被困在五十五公里外的医院,而叛军则试图抓住这位博士。而从另一位华侨(于谦饰)口中得知,杀害小云的凶手正待在这个国家。 在无法得到海军支援的情况下,冷锋只身闯入硝烟四起的战场。不屈不挠的战狼,与冷酷无情的敌人展开悬殊之战……详情
西尔维斯特·史泰龙,斯科特·伊斯特伍德,薇拉·菲茨杰拉德,麦克·柯尔特,D·W·莫菲特,Anton Narinskiy,伊斯·巴尔韦德,Joel Cohen,La Monde Byrd,Patrick Millin,莱斯利·艾米特,Bret Aaron Knower,Beau Bommarito,Kevin W. Shiveley,John W. Harden,John E. Brownlee,Derek Polen